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Electrode Coating

energy storage electrode coating

The Better Quality, The Better Performance

MIRWEC’s cutting edge coating machines are capable of handling and coating on thin metal foils. We can coat both anode (e.g. graphite) and cathode (e.g. LiCoO3) slurries onto, on average 6 to 25 micron thin, current collector materials, such as aluminum, copper, titanium and nickel foils. The coating thickness is purpose dependent and it varies between 10 to 250 micron thick. We use slot die coating methods for the slurry coating at our facility. We also often primer coat the thin foils prior to the slurry coating to improve performance. Both MICROGRAVURE™ and slot die can be arranged to lay down multiple, continuous stripes as necessary.


1. Unparalleled coating uniformity with 1-2% tolerance
2. Extremely smooth and stable coating surface
3. Expert web handling
4. Ultra thin film and metal foil coating
5. Mechanical expertise in coating machines
6. UV cure (irradiating with UV lamp)
7. Corona treatment
8. Laminating


The world’s largest battery separator manufacturer in Japan developed their coating technology using our MICROGRAVURE™ coating method, and they continue to manufacturer their separators using only our technology.

Service Features

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Unparalleled coating uniformity with 1-2% tolerance

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Extremely smooth and stable coating surface

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Expert Web Handling

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Ultra thin film and metal foil coating

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As little as 2 hours to half a day service

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We can coat with or without your presence

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